About Us


We improve the health of everyone through Siddha's core principles.


To improve humanity, by improving the health.


Through Siddha's research reach out to as many as people and improve their health.

About Us

We are from South India, especially Tamil Nadu. There is a famous native medical system used to treat various illnesses. This traditional system of medicine is called Siddha, and it has been practiced for several centuries in this region. The Siddha system aids to maintain a balance between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. It focuses on complete healing and maintains the body’s elements to promote overall well-being. The effectiveness of Siddha medicine in treating various illnesses through natural remedies has raised research interest.

Our aim is to help individuals take control of their health by incorporating the Siddha system into their daily lives. With our assistance and support, you can experience the benefits of natural medicine and live a well balanced life.

Our personalised approach focuses on finding out the root cause of health problems rather than just treating symptoms, ensuring long-lasting results for our customers. With a strong emphasis on preventive care and lifestyle modifications, we empower individuals to take control of their disease and lead a healthier life.

We establish a Siddha research team with experienced physicians to evaluate wonderful proprietary formulations and emphasise the advantages of Siddha medicine. We research the pathophysiology of prediabetes and where the disease will develop. How it affect both their physical and mental health? We extended our research to find out an herbal remedy to reverse the prediabetes to normal.

Our research team continuously strives to find a unique product—Agasthi herbal tea for prediabetes. Our tea is a natural and effective way to combat prediabetes by targeting the root causes of the condition. Additionally, the calming effects of our tea can aid individuals manage stress, which is crucial for overall health and well-being.

Through the integration of ancient wisdom with modern science, we endeavour to provide more comprehensive and effective approach to healthcare. We also have modern literature evidence to authenticate our product’s efficacy.

By joining together with pharmaceutical companies, we can increase production and distribution of Siddha medicines, making them easily available to people around the globe.

We also collaborate with research institutions to validate the effectiveness of Siddha medicine and ensure its safety and efficacy.

Our Goals

  • To provide accessible and effective solutions for those at risk of developing prediabetes.

  • To offer evidence-based solutions for individuals with prediabetes to prevent the progression to diabetes.

  • To make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by diabetes.

Lets Meet Our Team

Here are our research doctors and other team members, who put in research as the core principles, we thrive to improve health.

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