How is the purification process done in the Siddha system of medicine?

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How is the purification process done in the Siddha system of medicine?

In the Siddha system of medicine, the knowledge of the purification process is unique. It deals with enormous physical and chemical changes in the inherent toxic properties of the raw materials.

Siddha formulations involve a meticulous purification process for each ingredient. The word “suddhi” means “to get rid of impurities.” The Suddhi process eliminates unwanted materials and makes the molecules fragile and non-toxic, ensuring the safety of the final product.

It enhances their therapeutic properties. In the Siddha system, all the raw materials must be purified individually, as mentioned in the text, before usage. The process of purification varies for each raw material and each preparation.

According to the scientist Paracelsus, all substances are poisonous; no one is there without poison. The substance becomes a remedy at the right dose. In higher doses, it becomes a poisonous substance. In the Siddha system of medicine, plant, mineral, and animal resources are used as raw materials for medicine preparation. They are acquired from their natural surroundings. They have been used widely for many centuries after a thorough evaluation of the drug in a traditional way.

E.g., Semecarpus anacardium L. is a Schedule e (1) drug. The evaluation of the aftereffects of purification on the phytochemicals was done by Juliet Lawrence et al. The results show that the blister and dermatitis-forming anacardic acid level is reduced significantly after the purification process, according to the traditional Siddha text.

admin Asked question September 25, 2024